Tuesday, November 25, 2008


1st day of camp

All the committees behind this big project have to undergo 4 days of camp to get all the jobs done and also to enhance the relationships among committee members. The camp will be held from 24th Nov 2008 to 27th Nov 2008.

The first day.....................
After a general meeting, we proceeded to the making of banners..

Presentation and ideas giving time. Head of bureaus are required to brief to everyone about their group's job scope.

Serious or boring face?? Haha..

Is the time to relax and chill.. Games games games..


Hey people!!!!!
FRENSTER 12 of 2009 is coming!!!!!!!
Jump on the band wagon!!!

Wait.. wait... What is FRENSTER 12???

FRENSTER 12 is the Open House Fiesta of 12th residential college of University of Malaya.

The main objective of this whole event is to promote Raja Dr. Nazrin Shah Residential College ( 12th residential college ) and University of Malaya along with the vision and mission to the community.
What's more, we are donating part of the profit to those who are in need.

is an event that has been recognized by five of our ministries which are the Ministry of Higher Education, Ministry of Youth and Sports, Ministry of Women, Family and Community Development of Malaysia, Ministry of Tourism, Ministry of Cultural, Art and Heritage.

will be held with several of exhibitions, cultural performances, and games as well. This event
will bring the theme of “A harmonious integrity generates universal intellectuality”. Prior to the actual event, we will conduct a road show involving all residential colleges and faculties in University of Malaya. Banners and posters will be put up within campus and handbills will be distributed as well.
So, do check up for the latest update!!!!

FRENSTER 12 will be held on the 15th February 2009 till 2rd March 2009 at the 12th residential college of UM, Raja Dr. Nazrin Shah Residential College.